SkyDive-turné MidtNorge i Oktober
SkyDive vil turnére i Midt-Norge i begynnelsen av oktober: 1.okt Dokkhuset, Trondheim 2.okt Trøndertun Folkehøgskole 2.okt Levanger Jazzklubb 3.okt Inderøy jazzforum, Rødbrygga 4.okt Storyville Jazzclub, Molde 5.okt Ørsta Kulturhus Tore Brunborg, sax Thomas T Dahl, gitar Alexi Tuomarila, piano Olavi Louhivuori, trommer Mats Eilertsen, bass
Traveling to the incredible city of Tokyo to perform with the SkyDive-band 4th – 9th of september. With the wonderful company of Thomas Dahl, Olavi Louhivuori, Alexi Tuomarila and this time Fredrik Lundin on the saxophone. Looking forward!
Pictures Mats Eilertsen
photo: Petter Furuseth
@Kongsberg Jazz festival
had a blast at this years Kongsberg Jazz Festival as a part of the series curated by AllAboutJazz´ John Kelman. Heres also a review of our show ( in norwegian) (photo John Kelman)
Pics SkyDive
SkyDive @Kongsberg Jazz Festival
Performing at Kongsberg Jazz Festival Friday 6th of July, 1900h http://kongsberg-jazzfestival.no/konsert/mats-eilertsen-skydive-quintet/ Tore Brunborg, sax Alexi Tuomarila, piano Thomas Dahl, guitar Olavi Louhivuori, drums Mats Eilertsen, bass
The Source: of Summer
The Source: of Summer performing at Nationaltheatret, Oslo Saturday 9th of June at 2000. http://nationaltheatret.no/The+Source%3A+of+summer.b7C_wJLOZZ.ips
fint om konserten på MaiJazz
Mats Eilertsen og hans Sky Dive representerer noe av det aller fineste i norsk, og dermed internasjonal, jazz for tida. Velkomponert, velarrangert, lyttende til hverandre – med masse plass til solid, improvisatorisk kapasitet. Trygve Seim steppa inn som velutdanna vikar for Tore Brunborg på saksofoner, og den finske trommeslageren Olavi Liuhivouri rørte vel ikke stikkene […]
Tour in May
touring in May! Thomas Dahl, guitar, Olavi Louhivuori, drums, Alexi Tuomarila, piano and Mats Eilertsen, bass. and presenting the magnificent Trygve Seim, sax, on this tour 9.mai Ski JazzKlubb, Rådhusteatret, Ski, N http://www.raadhusteatret.no/skydive.html 10.mai UriJazz, Cafe M, Tønsberg, N http://www.urijazz.no/p/program_05.html 11.mai Festiviteten, Eidsvoll Verk, N kl2000 /bill. kr 200,- 12.mai MaiJazz, Stavanger, N http://www.maijazz.no/index.cfm/event/maijazz:concert/day/12/year/2012/id/533/month/5/ […]
´The Void` -> Video from the top of Holmenkollen, Oslo
The French moviemaker Mathieu Mastin visited the city of Oslo last summer recording and filming 10 norwegian artists and bands for his series called Jazzed Out for the french TV-channel Mezzo. Here is the video we made for the song ´The Void` shot on top of the famous ski-jump of Holmenkollen overlooking the […]
Review in The Jazz Mann
Great review in the Jazz Mann for SkyDive Indeed the album as a whole is eminently accessible and capable of considerable across the board appeal. Eilertsen’s carefully crafted compositions are highly tuneful and the playing by the all star Scandinavian band excellent throughout. It’s a tightly focussed set with the emphasis on a distilled […]
Best of Lists in AAJ
SkyDive is featured in John Kelmans (AllAboutJazz) list of Best Releases (New Discoveries) of 2011 http://www.allaboutjazz.com/php/article.php?id=41008 and also our gig in Bremen in April among his choices for the best performances in 2011 There you can also find the gig we did with the Source at NattJazz-festival in Bergen. http://www.allaboutjazz.com/php/article.php?id=41016 Nice, indeed…
SkyDive is nominated for the norwegian “Grammy”-awards, Spellemann, the cathegory of Jazz!
Some reviews
Tokafi: ´a set of relaxed, spacious pieces that float as effortlessly as clouds through the night sky´ http://www.tokafi.com/news/mats-eilertsen-skydive/ Textura: A wonderful review in canadian publication Textura. Also listed among the top 20 albums of 2011. http://www.textura.org/reviews/eiltersen_skydive.htm
Very nice review to be read @AllAboutJazz:
Check out the FaceBook-thing, Mats Eilertsen BandPage! http://listn.to/MatsEilertsen
Check out the FaceBook-thing, Mats Eilertsen BandPage! http://listn.to/MatsEilertsen